Keep a small bedroom organized with these smart tricks for adding storage to even the tightest of sleeping quarters.
Don't let small quarters limit your storage options .
Here are clever ideas for better small bedroom storage . Reclaim a suitcase for under bed storage . Paint the suitcase then attach casters to the underside for easy sliding under your bed. Store away.
Contain tiny treasures inside a hollowed out book. Glue the pages of an old book together then carve out a space to the needed depth. Recycled drawers create storage options on this headboard . Simply design the headboard to fit the shape of the drawers in your collection, paint a uniform color and attach to the wall. Old objects used in new ways helps maximize the usable space in a tiny bedroom .
You'll love these ideas to try ! I hope you find these ideas useful and inspiring to you .... Enjoy it !!!!
Here are clever ideas for better small bedroom storage . Reclaim a suitcase for under bed storage . Paint the suitcase then attach casters to the underside for easy sliding under your bed. Store away.
Contain tiny treasures inside a hollowed out book. Glue the pages of an old book together then carve out a space to the needed depth. Recycled drawers create storage options on this headboard . Simply design the headboard to fit the shape of the drawers in your collection, paint a uniform color and attach to the wall. Old objects used in new ways helps maximize the usable space in a tiny bedroom .
You'll love these ideas to try ! I hope you find these ideas useful and inspiring to you .... Enjoy it !!!!
Sitting Space :
A seating area of oversize sofas and a sprawling ottoman add a cozy space to this master bedroom, ideal for relaxing and gathering with the kids at the end of the day.
Preserving an Original :
Weathered wood ceiling beams and a softly worn rug capture the salvaged character of this vintage home. When new additions were needed, such as storage bookshelves, they were designed and finished to look like had always been there.
Tucked In :
Wall recesses lend architectural interest to boxy spaces. Here, one wide recess creates the perfect place to tuck in a bed, while another recess was outfitted with shelves to create a convenient bedside storage nook. Bold blue beaded board surrounding the bed ensures the pretty quilted headboard functions as the bedroom's main focal point.
Airy Decor :
All white walls keep this attic bedroom feeling open and airy. To ensure the lack of color doesn’t look stark and cold, the bedding features a variety of colors and patterns. A built in shelving system and desk make the most of an awkward angular corner.
Build to Suit :
Built ins give this small bedroom plentiful storage and cozy seating without crowding the space with furniture. The window seat makes a focal point out of a scenic view. A combination of open shelves and closed cabinets expands storage options.
Stylish Headboard :
A built-in bookcase headboard adds visual interest to this bedroom, plus practical storage and reading light.
Design with Purpose :
Drawers built into a custom platform bed and a window seat crafted over a radiator work functional and aesthetic wonders in this small bedroom.
A Fresh Look :
A refreshing aqua blue color scheme rejuvenates this bedroom in a 100 year old house, while furniture featuring simple lines and hints of cottage style reflects the home's Craftsman style architecture.
Double-Duty Bedroom :
This clever dual-purpose room takes advantage of a do it yourself Murphy bed kit to create a charming guest bedroom that doubles as a crafts (or multipurpose) room when company departs.
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